Monday 22 February 2010

Two steps forward, one step back

Trying to communicate in a language you didn't grow up with is difficult, and it gets even harder the older you are. I had one of those moments this evening at the supermarket. When I was checking out, one of the items I was buying was on a discount, but I needed a coupon, which I didn't have. So the cashier started talking to me, the woman behind me in line was talking to me, and everyone was staring, probably wondering why I wasn't responding. Finally, the woman behind me in line said to the cashier, "El es norteamericano."

So the secret was out and I couldn't hide it. But I figured with my broken Spanish I could at least explain where I was from and what I was doing in Rosario. We did what all people do to break the ice -- talk about the weather, and they knew that Iowa has been cold with a lot of snow. We all started laughing, and when I left they said "goodbye," the only English I heard my whole time in the store.

It's going to take me awhile before I start relaxing with Spanish. I don't know when it will happen, but I know it will!

Hasta luego,


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