Tuesday 13 April 2010

Sunday Asado

Argentina is based on traditions, and one of the most classic traditions is asado. Asado is an assortment of grilled meats and meat products like sausages. I love asado, as it is basically meat grilled, with salt. You NEVER use ketchup on Asado. (that would be like putting salsa on an ear of corn!) And I have not seen a single restaurant with A1 steak sauce. I think if I asked for it I would be escorted out the door! :)

Eliana reserved an area along the river, and we enjoyed a leisurely Sunday afternoon . Here are some of us sitting at a picnic table. There was wine, as well as Pepsi and water for people to choose from.

Here are some more members of the group, along with Rosario, one of our UCEL student ambassadors in the front left of the picture. After the asado she went with some of us to one of the outdoor markets to do some shopping.

Aaah, los hombres. Eliana's husband Diego (he's in the white t-shirt) was so kind to cook for us. It isn't easy grilling meat for 30 people! But he did a fantastic job as an asador (the cook of asado)!!! Here he is with a friend and Eliana's brother on the right. Yup, Sunday was a glorious day.

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